CANKER SORES ARE SELDOM SERIOUS, but they can drive us crazy! These small, shallow ulcers pop up in our mouths and on the inside of our lips unexpectedly and sometimes take days to heal. The good news is that they’re fairly easy to prevent, once you understand their triggers.
5 Common Triggers To Avoid
- Stress – Stress can weaken your immune system, making it easy for canker sores to form and irritate your mouth.
- Tissue Injury – If you already have cuts or scrapes inside of your mouth (from biting your cheek, for example), you’re more vulnerable to canker sores.
- Foods – Foods that are high in acidity like strawberries, tomatoes, pineapples and lemons can trigger canker sores. Sour candies are also a common culprit.
- Dental Appliances – Having braces or ill-fitting dentures could also cause canker sores, since it increases opportunities for irritation in your mouth.
- Sickness – If you already have an infection in your body, the chances are higher for canker sores.
Some Simple Remedies
Once you learn your triggers, canker sores become much easier to avoid. Limit problematic foods. If braces are irritating your mouth, ask for more dental wax, or have the trouble-spots checked. If stress is contributing to canker sores, try stress-reduction techniques.
After checking your triggers, if you find that you’re still getting frequent canker sores, check your oral care routine.
- Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritating oral tissue.
- Try using toothpaste that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulphate.
- Rinse your mouth each day with saltwater.
Do you have any personal remedies and tips that help your canker sores? Share below! We’d love to hear them and pass them along.
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