A Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is used to treat patients with sleep apnea. The machine helps patients with sleep apnea breathe easier while sleeping. The machine increases air pressure in your throat, and this prevents the airway from collapsing while breathing.
The CPAP machine is used in conjunction with a CPAP hose and mask patients wear during sleep. The motors run quietly, and also includes a filter to remove impurities in the air. Using a CPAP mask is one of the most common ways to treat sleep apnea, and there are many types of CPAP masks on the market today to choose from.
If you have been recommended to use a CPAP machine, the cost can range anywhere between $1000 – $5000. The average price of a automated pressure machine is around $2900.
CPAP machines are considered durable medical equipment, and most insurance companies usually cover the cost of the machine including mask, hose, filters, and tubing. This all depends on the type of CPAP machine you choose.
If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, and are looking to find out more information about CPAP machines or other solutions we offer, contact Snoring Laser Care today to schedule your appointment.